How Benefits Brokers Can Use Tech for Targeting Communications

Are you a benefits broker with a decent book of business? If so, how do you communicate with your clients regarding things like new products and open enrollment options? Traditionally, communications in the benefits space have been more like data dumps. But there is a better way: targeting communications based on client need. And technology now makes that possible.

Employers already have enough to deal with on a day-to-day basis. They do not have endless hours to spend wading through tons of literature sent by their benefits brokers. So continuing with the data dump model probably isn’t helping your business any. As a broker, you are better off with targeted communications.

What It Means

Targeted communications are nothing more than messages sent to each client, or its employees, based on need. Think of it like targeted advertising. When Google or Facebook wants to send ads your way, they do so based on all the data they have on you. They target you to receive the types of ads you are most likely to respond to. You should have the same goal as a benefits broker.

You might have a client whose workforce is comprised mainly of Gen Z and millennial employees. These two demographics are the most likely to respond well to student debt repayment benefits. Assuming you are able to offer such a benefit, this particular client should receive information about it. Other clients may have no need of it.

Utilizing Modern Technology

So how does the benefit broker take advantage of targeted communications? Through the latest cloud-based technologies. It starts with a central benefits portal that connects broker, general agency, and all of the carriers they both work with. The broker general agency BenefitMall offers such a portal.

The portal is part of their ongoing drive toward digital transformation. They say it is an all-in-one tool that allows benefits brokers to complete virtually all their tasks in a central digital space. Brokers can compare products and create quotes. They can facilitate open enrollment. Best of all, they can communicate directly with their clients through the portal.

Targeted communications in this sort of environment are pretty straightforward. Brokers establish a number of mailing lists based on particular criteria. These criteria reflect which clients are interested in certain types of information. When that information comes available, only the clients on the appropriate email lists receive it.

A More Efficient Way

Targeted communications can be facilitated even without a technology platform. Brokers can do the same thing manually. Most do not though because doing it manually requires an awful lot of work. The data dump method is just easier. But data dumps are also less productive.

Creating targeted messages through a technology portal is more efficient. And as software becomes more artificially intelligent, efficiency increases along with it. We are fast approaching a point at which AI-enabled software will be able to automatically parse information and send it out without the broker having to get involved at all.

It is About Personalization

What we are talking about here is personalizing communications with clients and their employees. These days, this is what it’s all about. The modern consumer expects personalization in nearly every aspect of life. Consumers expect personalized take-out, package delivery, etc. They are also expecting their employers to provide more personalization in benefits administration. As a broker, you can help your clients move in that direction with targeted communications.

Target your clients or their employees. Target both. One way or the other, targeting puts the right message in front of the right people. It is far better than the traditional data dump.